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  • tamesha

my first year

My first year of university is complete and the fresher status has now been removed thank god.

My course had been challenging at times, as anticipated, the workload and pace of which work had to be completed was at first unnatural but as the weeks went by my sketchbook process and outcomes found it's feet and settled nicely. It's beneficial to make working at a quicker pace a habit and use time wisely as it's expected when working in the design industry. 

art, supplies, graphic, design, traditional, media, pens, arrangement, sketchbook, toolbox,

Each project was intriguing and inspiring, targeting different aspects within graphic design and encouraging you to try new areas and techniques that you never have delved into before.

Some of the main topics were contrast, typography, book cover design, editorial, animation, packaging

design, illustration. As well as workshops on various processes such as embossing, screen printing, video editing, mono printing, lino printing and other design skills.

lino, print, printing, process, sketch, cutter, transfer, workshop

It's difficult to choose my favourite projects due to them all being interesting in different ways but editorial, typography and book cover design have been my most memorable tasks. The idea of combining type and illustration together, arranging their composition, manipulating of the type and experimenting has been the most engaging and exciting.

I have definitely learnt that research is one of the most important stages in a project. Gathering as much relevant information as possible in different formats and types, sets you up far better than without going the extra mile. Undoubtedly, something I will focus and prioritise on more in year two.

Graphic Design has been everything I anticipated and so much more, I am excited to get started in year two and further my skills and outcomes.

nottingham trent, university, nottingham, trent, arkwright, newton, graphic design,

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